Machine Learning Documentation & Guides

By Brannon Dorsey

This is a draft release. This documentation is under active development, so expect imperfections and upcoming content changes. If you notice something, please create an issue on GitHub, or better yet, submit a pull request with a fix.

This website is a reference for all things machine learning at Branger_Briz. Since November 2016, our research team has been exploring the current state-of-the art in machine learning and this website serves as the product of much of that research. The goal of this resource is to provide a central repository for developers, engineers, and programmers of all types to learn about machine learning so that it can be used in current and future projects.

Guides & Examples

A miscellaneous collection of guides, code snippets, and examples on a range of practical ML topics.

Twitterbot Guide

An in-depth tutorial where we build an ML pipeline for generating your own Twitter bots that sound like real Twitter users. We'll show you how to use character embeddings, recurrent neural networks, hyperparameter search, and transfer learning, using Keras and Tensorflow.js. We recommend starting at Part 1.


At Branger_Briz, we've made used machine learning in several projects, both research and commercial.

Other Resources

In addition to these resources, I recommend checking out Google's awesome Machine Learning Crash Course, a free self-study course on the basics of ML. They've also compiled an ML Glossary of terms that will be helpful to you as you try and make sense of data science jargon.

Machine Learning Mastery's blog also has hundreds of helpful short blog posts and code snippets on tons of topics in Machine Learning. I've found myself using several of those guides to learn about various topics in ML.

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All source code in this document is licensed under the GPL v3 or any later version. All non-source code text is licensed under a CC-BY-SA 4.0 international license. You are free to copy, remix, build upon, and distribute this work in any format for any purpose under those terms. A copy of this website is available on GitHub.